

Friday 2 October 2015

Isu Kembiri Kucing

Fatwa Jakim Mengenai Mengembirikan Binatang Peliharaan
Jakim telah pun mengeluarkan satu ketetapan pada tahun 2002, yang menyebut :
Bahawa mengembiri binatang kesayangan seperti kucing atau anjing hukumnya adalah diharuskan dengan sebab-sebab tertentu iaitu bagi menjaga muslahatummah.
All pets like cats and dogs are allowed to be neutered or spayed in order to maintain the health and welfare of both the animals and the community.
After studying the messages of the aforementioned mazhab’s and the medical viewpoint, JAKIM has decided that neutering of cats for reasons of ‘maslahat’ is acceptable. It is in agreement with ‘qaedah’ (way) Fiqhiyyah which states “To choose the lesser of two evils”. -